
Mobility Resistance Band Loops

Chances are that you have bought our awesome resistance bands (if no, you have this great opportunity) and in this article you'll find why they are so awesome.

Everything You Need to Know about Resistance Bands

Perhaps, this is the most versatile fitness equipment which money can buy. You can do so much with them that we decided to write a single article devoted to each topic.

Mobility, Joint Banded Distraction, Increasing ROM, Managing Joint Capsule Restriction

Hip, Shoulder, Ankle, Knee, Wrist Distraction. What is it and why you need it, read this article:

Muscle Activation

Usually, follows mobilization exercises described above. Muscle activation is a kind of waking up your muscles by engaging more fibers. It’s so called Neuromuscular Activation. It can be combined with weights.

Why you need muscle activation and how to do that, read in this article:

Little Known Resistance Bands Exercises

Great selection of peculiar exercises from Kit Laughlin, Yuri Marmerstein, Christine Ruffolo, Perry Nickelston, etc.

Coming this week...


CrossFit Training

Reactive Neuromuscular Training


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